Monday, January 28, 2013

Ahh...Warmer Weather

The kids finally got to go outside this morning!  They had a blast in all the new piles of untouched snow.

This week:
Monday: Star Student: Grace
Tuesday: Spelling Test
Wednesday: Chapel
Thursday: Last day to earn snowballs for the Reading Incentive
Friday: Pizza Lunch, Scholastic Book Order Due

Grade 1s just finished a math unit on addition and subtraction.  They did fantastic with it!  They should be able to confidently use the signs -, +, and =.  They are working with numbers up to 12 right now.  There are some links on the blog page that the kids have enjoyed using to practice their math skills.  Have you tried them out at home yet?

Grade 2s are working on addition and subtration in math class.  They are really working on using the math families to solve word problems. There is some confusion on turning the addition sentences 'backwards' to get a subtraction sentence.
For example:
4 + 3 = 7
3 + 4 = 7
7 - 3 = 4
7 - 4 = 3

Munsch week was a huge success!  I hope you heard about some of the activities we did at school.  There is a bulletin board with a few highlights posted in the chapel area. 

February is I Love to Read Month!!!  There are always exciting events in our classroom, and school wide during this month.  Watch for further details....

New pictures to come next week...Have a fabulous end to January!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Munsch Week!

It's only a four day week, but we have something special planned for each day!

Monday: Star Student - Lucas J. & Munsch Rotations

Tuesday: Spelling Test & Munsch Rotations

Wednesday: Chapel, MTYP trip

Thursday: 9:30am Munsch Performance, Family Fun night (evening)

To prepare for the Robert Munsch Performance on Thursday students will be rotating through the K-4 teachers on Monday and Tuesday morning.  Each teacher will teach one of the Munsch stories and do a learning activity with the children.  Watch for the highlights on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Wow! Thank you so much for helping me get organized for the field trip Wednesday.  After requesting extra drivers I had to turn away 3 extra!  I appreciate your willingness to help out with these trips.

There are a few due dates this week
Monday: Mad Science and Lunch Lady
Wednesday: Pizza/Soup Lunch

Have a good (warm) week!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Snowy Week

Well, we made it through the first week back!  It was a productive week.  Everyone settled right back into routine and we accomplished a lot.

Check out our snowmen on the front bulletin board.  We used a mixture of shaving cream and glue to create a puffy texture, and then wrote about our snowman creations.

We  did a comparison study of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to Jan Brett's The Three Snow Bears.  We made story sequence maps for each story as well.

Grade 1s are working hard at using addition and subtraction symbols and language to describe math sentences.

Grade 2s are working at using the hundred chart in a variety of ways to solve math problems.  Please see the games at the following links for extra practice.

Here are some pictures from our Word Work this week.  Students were practicing alphabet skills, and spelling words in a variety of ways.

The reading incentive for the month is calling "Reading Up a Storm".  Outside our classroom door we trying to create a true Winnipeg White Out using snowballs.  Each day your child reads they get to add a snowball.

Today you will notice some extra papers coming home in the homework folder.  We cleaned out some old stacks in the classroom and sent home items that we no longer need at school.


Monday: Star Student - James

Tuesday: Spelling Test, last day to hand in book order

Wednesday: Chapel


Friday: Field Trip Form due

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back to School!

Welcome back!  I hope that you've had a restful Christmas break and a Happy New Year!

This week has been fabulous so far.  The students are happy to be back and have settled right back into their normal routines.  They brought home a January calendar with them today.  A permission form for the MTYP field trip will be sent home this week as well. 

We are currently working on a Snowman Art/Writing project.  We are also working on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

Students should still be reading every day (or as many as possible).  Tomorrow we will begin a new reading incentive.  Watch for it outside our classroom door!

During the month of December we worked on RACKing people.  Here's another pic of a student making a bed for another family member.

As always, let me know if you have questions or concerns!  Happy New Year!