Monday, November 24, 2014

Last Week of November

Please note: the violin trip on December 5 is only for the grade 3s.

Our class is responsible for presenting a short skit on Jesus Healing Lepers during chapel this week. This is the modern day movie trailer that we created. Thank you to the students that brought in costumes. 

This past week we had some university students help us build bridges to conclude our studies of structures. 

During conferences I had several people ask about iPad apps that we are using. One that I recommend for spelling is Word Wizard.  This is a great tool for sounding out words and practicing the words in the sort list each week. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Student Led Conferences

Report Cards & Conferences

Report cards went home Friday.  Please sign and return the envelopes.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone at Student-Led Conferences this week.  Please remember that the students have worked hard to prepare their portfolios for you to see.  They have included samples of their work, and learning goals to share with you.

Class Party

The students have earned a class party for demonstrating good listening in the classroom.  On Thursday they are welcome to bring a stuffy for the day.  We will also be watching a movie.  If you have a G rated movie you'd like to send in it would be greatly appreciated. 

Grade 3 Violins

There is an out of school performance for the Grade 3 violins on Friday.  Please remember your booster seats and bag lunches.

Book Order Due Friday

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Short Week

We created a Canadian citizen together, Jon William, who was a character in a story that we wrote demonstrating behaviours of a good community citizen.


We took a tour of the museum and even got to go on a plane!

Junior Achievement visited our classroom and we learned about why it is important to have a job.  We talked about different jobs in our community.  Students were given homework in which they were to interview one or two adults about their job.  

Yesterday we had a special presentation about Recycling in our classroom.  We got to play a few 
games related to recycling.

Remembrance Day Assembly Presentation

Monday, November 3, 2014


Tomorrow is our field trip to the Aviation Museum. We will be learning about our community, and Remembrance Day. Please try to wear a BSLS t-shirt and don't forget to send a booster seat. We will be eating lunch at 11:30 so the canteen will not be available to us. 

On Wednesday Junior Achievement is coming to do a presentation for our class, also about our community. 

Please take a look at our bulletin board.  The students created spooky trees with hidden eyes in them. Then, using ELA objectives they planned and recorded a short video explaining the eyes in their artwork. You will need to bring in your device to fully experience this bulletin board. 

Thank you to everyone that brought treats for our Halloween party. The kids had a blast! I'm not sure how they had the energy to trick-or-treat afterwards though. 

This week we used candy bones to find out what 100 and 1000 look like. It was a fun activity for all!

Our Remebrance Day ceremony will be on Friday at 11am. Everyone is welcome to attend. 

Have a great week!