Monday, September 29, 2014


Huge thanks to all of the parents to came on our field trip to the snake pits this past week.  We were blessed with lovely weather, and enough parent volunteers to drive us.  It was truly a fabulous day!


Both the Grade 2s and the Grade 3s have been studying Patterns so far this year.  The Grade 2s just completed their unit on repeating and increasing patterns.  Here are some pictures of the types of patterns they are able to create.

The grade 3s are working on increasing and decreasing patterns, both symbolically and numerically.


Spelling routines are well underway now.  If you have questions about the word sort homework do not hesitate to contact me.


We are currently working on a Materials & Structures unit.  So far we have experimented to learn about types of materials, strength of materials, and how to fasten materials together.  Watch for details on an upcoming project coming soon.


Although there is no formal reading log, students are expected to be reading on their own time daily.  15-20 minutes is recommended, depending on their current reading level.  Students are welcome to borrow books from the classroom each day.  The advantage to doing so is that the classroom library is leveled so students can pick out a "just-right" book every day.


Grade 2s are currently working on Greetings and School Supplies.

Please Note:

The Grade 2/3s will have a substitute teacher starting this week Wednesday.  I will return on Tuesday, October 7th, as Ms. Moss.  I will send out the next update later that week.

Have a great week!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fall is finally here!

Our first week of spelling, a "practice" week, went well.  Each week every student will get a new set of words to sort.  Students are asked to practice their word sort at home each night, but to keep the sort in their homework folder so that we can also use the pieces at school each day.  Today you should see a spelling test come home.  This is the practice test from Friday.  Please sign it and return it to school.  If you have questions about these routines don't hesitate to contact me.

Tomorrow is our Field Trip to the Snake Dens!!!  Please remember to send a booster seat, a snack that can easily be consumed in the car, and a bag lunch.  Walking shoes are recommended.  The forecast looks fantastic!

A picture order slip should have come home Friday.  Please use the code on your form to login and view the proofs.

Terry Fox Walk - Friday at 2:30.  Please bring in your Tasks for Terry page on Friday.

Pizza Day - Friday

Have a great week!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Spelling Begins...


This week we will begin work in our spelling groups.  Some students already took home a spelling sort to practice tonight.  By the end of the week each student will have their first spelling sort assigned to them.  This week is mostly about the learning the routine for spelling.  I use the program Words Their Way.  On Monday's students will receive a "list" of words to study for the week.  The list will be small pieces in a ziplock bag.  The pieces will sort into categories to help students learn rules and patterns to spell with.  Students are expected to practice the sort each day.  At the end of the week there will be a formal spelling test.  Students will be asked to glue the sort into the notebook, and spell a few words from the list during a traditional dictated test.  If at any point you have questions about this please let me know (some of the sorts are tricky ;).

Field Trip - Forms are due Wednesday.  The trip to the snake pits is on Tuesday, September 23.

Tasks for Terry - The page will be sent home Tuesday.  A letter explaining how it works went home today.  The completed pages are due back at school on Friday, September 26.

Picture Day - Friday

Mission Sunday - Sunday, at the church at 10:30am.  Everyone is invited

Pizza Day - Forms due on September 22.  Pizza day is September 26.

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Full Week of School

What a great year this is going to be.  This group of students is definitely meshing together well.  It's so wonderful to see them making new friendships and working together.

Just a few reminders for the week:

- The PIP meeting for tomorrow, Sept, 9, is at 7pm, not 6:30pm.

- All of the forms in the welcome page are due back Friday, September 12th

- Scholastic book orders are due Monday, September 15th

- all magazine orders (yes and no) are due Monday, September 15th

- Mission Sunday is Sunday, September 21 at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (1541 St. Mary's Road) at 10:30am.

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.
Have a great week!
-Ms. Klatt

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of School!

What an exciting day we had!  We spent the day getting to know each other and our classroom routines.  Here are just a few pictures from the classroom.  Later this week you will receive a Welcome package which contains a number of permission forms.  Once the photo release forms are signed and returned the blog pictures will be a lot more interesting.

First day of school homework

Take a look at the agenda and homework folder.  Please sign the agenda.

Bring any missing school supplies (see below)

Label markers, pencil crayons, markers (if you wish)

School Supplies

Today students received their new school supplies.  If they would like to have each individual pencil, marker and crayon labelled please feel free to do so at home.

The items that should have been sent from home are:
-ice packs (for a communal supply when students are injured)
-headphones in a labelled ziploc bag (for use with the computers and ipads)
-pencil case or pencil box

If you have any questions please let me know!

Looking forward to a great year!
-Ms. Klatt