Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of School!

What an exciting day we had!  We spent the day getting to know each other and our classroom routines.  Here are just a few pictures from the classroom.  Later this week you will receive a Welcome package which contains a number of permission forms.  Once the photo release forms are signed and returned the blog pictures will be a lot more interesting.

First day of school homework

Take a look at the agenda and homework folder.  Please sign the agenda.

Bring any missing school supplies (see below)

Label markers, pencil crayons, markers (if you wish)

School Supplies

Today students received their new school supplies.  If they would like to have each individual pencil, marker and crayon labelled please feel free to do so at home.

The items that should have been sent from home are:
-ice packs (for a communal supply when students are injured)
-headphones in a labelled ziploc bag (for use with the computers and ipads)
-pencil case or pencil box

If you have any questions please let me know!

Looking forward to a great year!
-Ms. Klatt

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