Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring break!!

The rest of our March readers:

Take a look at the video we made for our Chapel Presentation this week.

There is no spelling homework being assigned for Spring Break. I encourage everyone to find some good books to read during the break. It's a great time to visit the public library or Chapters. 

Have a wonderful week!  Happy Easter!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Country Week

Country week is off to a great start! This year we are studying the First Nations people of Manitoba, Canada.  Today the grade 2 and 3s did their workshop on shelter. They painted symbols on the teepee to represent their ideas. 

Last week we had a couple more students read to the class. 

You can see some of the farm costumes in the last picture. Here are some pictures from Milk Carton Creation day. Thank you to everyone that helped bring in materials for this project. We had enough to create our own version of a "silver plated" Eiffel Tower.  It was wonderful seeing the students work together to create this. They all took part in some way. 

Each Friday we Buddy Read with the Grade 3/4 class. Here's our farm day reading buddy pictures. 

This week the Grade 2s are wrapping up a unit on addition and subtraction strategies. They have done such a fabulous job with the last couple of problem solving stories that we were working on. 

Grade 2s are also working on Farm Animals in French. So far we have had a lot of fun acting out the different sounds and movements of the animals. 

Grade 3s are working on Measurement. Today we used meters to measure the length of the school. We forgot to take a picture of the process, but it was an excellent cooperative learning experience. 

This week Friday is Boston Pizza lunch day. 

Looking forward to a great Country Week!
Ms. Moss

Monday, March 16, 2015

Student Led Conferences

The students are hard at work putting together their portfolios so that you can take a look at their learning accomplishments during conferences this week.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone this week.

This week is Milk Spirit week! 

Monday - Mystery Mooers

Tuesday - Cow moo flage Day: wear black and white (and green for St Patrick)

Wednesday - Moo staches: create and wear a moustache

Thursday - Carton Creations: keep bringing in cartons

Friday - dress up like anything at the farm

Next week is Country Week. We will be learning about the First Nations People in Manitoba. 

This week's readers:

Monday, March 9, 2015

Is it Spring?

This past week we worked hard to finish our cars. We had fun testing them and deciding how to make them even better. Here are just a couple of examples. We also all took turns taking the pictures with the iPad. 

During the month of March students can sign up to read a book to the class. Here are a few students doing just that!

This week the grade 3s will begin a new math unit on Measurement. Their math test went home for you to view today. Please sign it and return it. 

Next week is Milk Week.  Please see the schedule in Mrs. McCrae's update for the details. 

Hot lunch orders are due this week Wednesday. 
Report cards go home on Friday. The sign up sheet for conferences was sent home today. Please return it to school as soon as possible. 

Have a great week!

Monday, March 2, 2015

It's March!

Looking forward, there are several exciting things coming up this month before we hit Spring Break. 

We are just wrapping up a Science unit about Position and Motion. Here we are testing out inclined planes with our vehicles that we brought from home. 

We had vehicles with large tires...

And vehicles with small tires.

We even changed th terrain for some of the tests. 

Then we began designing our own vehicles. Here's just a glimpse of what we are working on. The finished products will be posted next week. 

During the month of March students can sign up to read a storybook to the class. The day your child chooses will be marked in their agenda. 


Thursday - grade 3 math test - spelling tests - PIP movie night
Friday - no school
March 17 & 18 - Student Led Conferences