Monday, February 25, 2013

Last Week of I Love to Read Month

It sure has been a busy productive month!  This week we are working on jokes and non-fiction text features.  Students will learn about captions, maps, diagrams, table of contents and bolded letters.  We will be searching for these text features in magazines and in non-fiction books.  If you do not have a magazine to send in this week no worries, we do have some in the classroom.

The Grade 1s are working on a numbers to 100 unit now.  This unit begins with skip counting to count objects up to 100.  We are working on 10s, 5s, and 2s.  These are great concepts to practice at home.  Here we are making beaded number lines, and counting groups of objects.

Grade 2s are just finishing an addition and subtraction to 18 unit.  This unit focused on various addition and subtraction strategies that they will use for larger numbers in the next unit.  The strategies they've been working on are: using 10, doubles, plus/minus 1 or 2, and using zero. 

We are just about finished making our "Where in the World are We" booklets for Social Studies.  You will soon see them on the bulletin board...

Today a photo release form was sent home for you to sign.  It is for next week, during Artists' In the Schools.  We will be having Sue Proctor come in and teach us some drama.  Please return the forms to school as soon as possible.

Tomorrow you will receive a notice about Student-Led Conferences.  The sign-up procedure is slightly different than before so please read the instructions carefully and return the form to school as soon as you are able. 

Huge thanks to the parents that came in and read to our class!  What a treat!  Also, thank you for helping your child prepare for reading their own book to the class.  They have enjoyed this so much that they want to do it again next month!

Have a great day Friday! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Spirit Week!

This week:
Tuesday: Wear a Shirt with Words
Wednesday: Sports Day - dress like a sports player or in team logos (Pizza Orders Due)
Thursday: Story Book Character Day - dress as your favourite character
Friday: Pajama Day - wear your PJs or bring a stuffie with your favourite bedtime story (Book Orders Due)

I Love to Read Month is going really well.  Last week was full of exciting events.

For 100 day we wrote a class book called "I've been told this 100 times."  I am positive that you will find some of the responses hilarious!  Some of the pages include: make my bed, clean up my toys, do my homework, shoot the puck...and I love you!  They're fabulous!

There are still a few spaces on the schedule for guest readers.  If you'd like to read to the class please sign up for a lot.  Nearly each student in the class also signed up to read to their classmates.  So far they have all done a fabulous job!  Thank you for all your hard work at home preparing for our fun activities each day.

Monday, February 11, 2013


It's going to be a busy and exciting week in our classroom!  I hope you've had some time to think about your 100 day collection already.  Using groupings of 5s or 10s to make 100 makes the project a little easier.  I can't wait to see the creativity this year.

This week:
Monday: Star Student: Mary, Newspaper Day
Tuesday: Spelling Test, Autobiography Day
Wednesday: Chapel Day, Favourite Author Day
Thursday: Valentine's (we have several snack volunteers and someone is bringing drink boxes - thank you)
Friday: 100 Day - don't forget to bring or wear a collection of 100

This week we will finish our Science unit on Object and Materials.  Thank you for sending in all of your recycling.  It was very useful!  Next we will do a Social Studies unit beginning with a look at our community, and then other communities in Canada.

Want to see what we did last week?  If you didn't have a chance to see the bulletin board here's a peak.  We are also collecting all of our I Love to Read Month work in a folder that will be sent home for you to see at a later date.

Here's the reading incentive for the month - once the box of chocolate is full there will be a reward.



Acrostic Poems

We compared three different versions of the Cinderella Story

We tried out new journal prompts

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I love to Read Month!

February is a very exciting month at school.  It is I Love To Read Month.  This Month will be filled with various reading activities and hopefully some guest readers (hint hint).

The schedule of events will be emailed to you.  A sign up sheet to read in the classroom is posted outside our classroom door.  I have slotted reading times for 9:00am and 2:45pm so that you can read first thing when you drop your child off, or at the end of the day before pick up.  You can bring any book that you'd love to share with the class.  If you have any 'celebrity' connections in the city we would love to have them in as a guest reader as well.

Students will also have the opportunity to read to the class.  Many students have already been asking to read to their peers.  It's so exciting to see them building the confidence to read in front of the class.

This week:
Monday: Star Student: Adam
Tuesday: Spelling Test
Wednesday: Chapel

Science: We have been studying Objects and Materials.  We are ready to begin building functional objects for our final project.  If you are able, please send in a variety of recyclable materials that we can use for this project.

Here's a picture of students taking note of the various materials used to create the same object, with the same function.

Reading Incentive
We did it!  We "Read up a Storm" to create a Winnipeg White Out.  The reward: hot chocolate and some free time.

February's reading incentive will be to fill in the box of chocolates on the same wall.  Each day you read gets you a chocolate.

Valentine's Day Party
On Valentine's Day we will have a party to exchange Valentine cards at.  I ask that students who choose to participate bring Valentine's for everyone in the class.  I will prepare a list of names for your child to use.  If you would like to send a nut free, commercially prepared snack for the party please feel free.  It is really important that the items have a label with the ingredient list.  We have several nut allergies in our classroom.  I would also really appreciate if someone could send in juice boxes.  Thank you!