This week we will begin work in our spelling groups. Some students already took home a spelling sort to practice tonight. By the end of the week each student will have their first spelling sort assigned to them. This week is mostly about the learning the routine for spelling. I use the program Words Their Way. On Monday's students will receive a "list" of words to study for the week. The list will be small pieces in a ziplock bag. The pieces will sort into categories to help students learn rules and patterns to spell with. Students are expected to practice the sort each day. At the end of the week there will be a formal spelling test. Students will be asked to glue the sort into the notebook, and spell a few words from the list during a traditional dictated test. If at any point you have questions about this please let me know (some of the sorts are tricky ;).
Field Trip - Forms are due Wednesday. The trip to the snake pits is on Tuesday, September 23.
Tasks for Terry - The page will be sent home Tuesday. A letter explaining how it works went home today. The completed pages are due back at school on Friday, September 26.
Picture Day - Friday
Mission Sunday - Sunday, at the church at 10:30am. Everyone is invited
Pizza Day - Forms due on September 22. Pizza day is September 26.
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