Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

We are definitely getting used to our daily classroom routines now.  This week we will begin work in a couple of new units.  


Rehimet – Compassion Canada – Last year BSLS commit to sponsoring an Ethiopian child.  We will be collecting money for her on Wednesday during chapel.  Families are encouraged to send $1 each month or $10 to cover the year.  Thank you for helping us with this commitment.

Star Student This week’s Star Student is Josh!

Terry Fox Walk – Students should come home with a Tasks for Terry sheet today.  Participation is optional.  On Friday this week the whole school will participate in a Terry Fox Walk at 2pm.  Please feel free to join us.  Wear your blue school t-shirt. If you attach a loonie to your sheet you can also wear a hat!

Agenda - Students will write down reminders and homework each day.  They will receive a behaviour sticker if they had a good day.  If there is no sticker you will find a short note from me.  Please sign the agenda each day.  Feel free to add messages as needed.

Reading Records – Students are asked to read at least five days of the week to earn a reading sticker on the class chart.  Students will be bringing home a book at their reading level in their folder.  When they have read it they will return it and exchange it for a new one.  New reading records will be sent home each week.

Allergies – Our school is nut free.  Our classroom has peanut, fish, seafood and milk allergies.  Please do not send any nuts at all.  When preparing birthday or party treats please take all of the above allergies into consideration so that all students can participate.  Thank you!

Important Dates

Hot Lunch                   Monday, September 20
Katelyn’s Birthday         Monday, September 20
Love & Logic                Wednesday, September 22 7:00
Terry Fox Walk            Friday, Sept. 24, 2:00 (everyone welcome)
Love & Logic                Wednesday, September 29 7:00
Picture Day                 Friday, October 1

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