Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23

Dear Grade 1/2 Parents,
Spelling – List #15 – Test Friday
Grade 1 Math – Grade 1s are starting to get the odd math page for homework. The pages should be written down in the agenda. We are at that point in the year where the Grade 1s are expected to be looking after just a few more responsibilities than before. Did you also notice that their spelling list has increased in size?
Grade 2 Math – Have you seen a math game come home yet? You should have. Have you been challenged to play it? The grade 2s have become really good at doing mental math over the last little while.
Reading Record – January – colour a mitten on the snowman page for each day of reading. Return them at the end of the month.
Jan. 27 Cupcake Day ($2)
Jan. 31 February Book Order Due
Feb. 2 Registration Due
Feb. 2 Field Trip (MTYP)
Feb. 3 No School
Feb. 6-10 Artists in the School
Feb. 7 Mad Science Begins
Feb. 8 Hot Dog day
Feb. 13 Lunch Lady
Feb. 13-17 I love to READ spirit week!
Please feel free to contact me any time with questions or concerns. I am here to help you and your child have a fabulous and successful year!
In Christ,
Ms. Klatt

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