Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter!

Spelling – Week #25 – Test Friday
Reading Record – April – Students are expected to read everyday. There is not a reading record for the month of April. Instead, students need to complete one reading response sheet each week. There are six response questions to choose from. The sheet can be completed using any story book or chapter book.
Green page: Due on April 10
Purple Page: Due on April 16
Family Tree: We are about to begin a family tree project. Watch for a page coming home this week requesting information.
If you have any questions or concerns about reading homework please let me know.
Important Dates
April 14 Gala Dinner
April 16 Lunch Lady Day
April 20 No School
April 28 Spring Tea
For a full listing of all school events please visit http://www.bsls.ca/ForParents_CalendarOfEvents.aspx.
Please feel free to contact me any time with questions or concerns. I am here to help you and your child have a fabulous and successful year!
In Christ,

Ms. Kristine Klatt
Grade 1 and 2

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