Monday, September 24, 2012

First Week of Fall

Star Student: Caleb

We have a student teacher joining us in our classroom this year.  She will be working with us on Tuesdays. 

Join us for chapel at 9:00 am if you wish.
Pizza order forms due.

This week Thursday all students will participate in the Terry Fox walk.  We will leave the school at 1pm and do a short 15 minute walk.  Students are asked to wear their new blue BSLS shirts for the event.  The pledge forms are due Friday, September 28.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to drive for our Snake Pits field trip!  We will be gone all day.  Students need to be dressed appropriately for hiking outside.  They also need to have a bag lunch with them.

Monday, October 1
Reading Record due - colouring the apples

When sending in any type of order or form (pizza/hot lunch etc.) please indicate on the form that your child is in the 1/2 Klatt room.  This will help the people sorting the forms to know which 1/2 class your child is in.  Thank you!

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