Monday, November 25, 2013

Stuck in a Snow Globe

 This past week we worked on an integrated project.  This project was a combination of Technology (pictures), ELA (paragraph writing), and Art.  Although we had loads of fun putting it together, we actually learned how to write a good paragraph. 

We used a collection of graphic organizers to plan out our ideas and write a rough copy.

 We used very special painting tools (Q-tips) to create the right look for the snow.

The result: our snowglobes, and a model for writing good paragraphs.  We applied this model to our journal writing this morning.

 Grade 2 French - we made presents with our favourite animal inside.  They are on the wall outside our classroom if you'd like to check them out.
 Math Games: Grade 2s are working on missing part equations (i.e. 12 - ? = 7)  Grade 3s are working on mental math strategies (i.e. using double, making ten).

Wednesday - pizza lunch
Friday - Grade 3 violin performance during the day


Anonymous said...

I lernd fremch Christmas words

Anonymous said...