Monday, February 10, 2014

I Love to Read Week!

Grade 2s are jumping into a math unit which will take them into double digit addition and subtraction.  Here are some pictures of building and representing numbers to 100.  We are on our way to mastering these skills!

I love to read week is full of exciting events!  Students will be reading, writing, and engaging in a variety of hands on activities to explore story telling.  Watch for more details, and pictures, next week.

Our Science unit on Solid, Liquid and Gas has taken us to an exploration of sinking and floating.  This week we will test out our creations to see which design can hold the largest load, and remain floating.

Valentine's Day - students are encouraged to bring in Valentine cards.  Anyone choosing to bring in cards needs to bring one for each student in the class.  Students were asked to make a list of their classmates names on Friday.  If you require a list please let me know.  If you are sending edible Valentine treats please ensure that they are nut free.  Thank you!

Chapel on Wednesday  - Each class will be performing a skit in chapel on Wednesday.  You are welcome to join us at 9am.

Please refer to the pink February calendar that was sent home for all other special events happening this month.

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