Monday, April 14, 2014

Four Day Week

This week we are working on writing out the Easter story in a booklet that students will bring home to share with their families over the Easter weekend.  Each day we learn about part of the Easter story and watch a video online that goes together with that event.

To celebrate Spring we made beautiful bouquets.  The egg cartons that you sent in helped us create a variety of types of 3D flowers.  Thank you!

In math class both grades are currently working on Data Analysis.  Students have been collecting a variety of types of data and creating different graphs.

In Social Studies we have started working on Country projects.  Each student has selected a different country to study and is doing research in the Technology Lab.  We look forward to sharing these finished projects with you!


Wednesday: Volunteer Appreciation - 8:30am
Thursday: Pizza Orders are due
Good Friday - no school
Easter Monday - no school

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