Monday, June 23, 2014

Last Week...

I can't believe it's here...the last week of school for 2013-2014.  It's going to be tough to say good-bye to this group because they are just so AWESOME!

Here are a few pictures from our trip to the Assiniboine Conservatory where we learned about the history of chocolate.

And here are just a few pictures from Lower Fort Garry.

Again, thank you to the parents who came out to drive and supervise.  Both trips went really well!

Can I ask a favour?
Many students have taken books from our classroom home throughout the year.  Could you please take some time this week to check your bookshelves, toy bins, cars...etc. for books that are either labelled Ms. Klatt, or Beautiful Savior Lutheran School.  I would like to have the classroom library ready for next year as soon as I can.  Thank you!  If you do require books for the summer months please come and see me.

Events this week:

Thursday: Grade 8 Grad at 1pm
   Kindergarden Grad: 9:00am
   Awards Ceremony: 10:30am
   Sports Day: please have a change of clothes in the backpack just in case there are water games... :)
   End of Year Party - if you would like to bring a snack to share students need to find a book that fits together with their snack.  (i.e. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...chocolate chip cookies)  And, as always, everything needs to be nut free.
   Report Cards go home at 3:15. 

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