Monday, December 15, 2014

Last Week of 2014

Thank you to everyone that contributed to our classroom hamper. We were able to collect all of the items on the suggested list, plus extras!!

We have finished our family portraits. They are part of our Social Studies unit that covers our families, and traditions.

Grade 2 French
Students put presents underneath our classroom trees using French Christmas vocabulary as the gifts. They are outside our classroom door. Stop by for a peek. 

If you haven't yet completed the Interview with an Elder, or the Family Recipe please do so ASAP.
This week there is spelling homework.  We will do the usual spelling test on Friday morning.

Wednesday - Grade 3 Violin trip - remember a bag lunch, booster seat and a BSLS shirt

Thursday - Please arrive at the Caboto Centre for 5:45pm.  Students should be wearing Christmas clothing (or something nice) with appropriate footwear.  Don't forget your violin!

Friday - We will be having a food sampling party in the afternoon.  Please ensure that items sent to school are peanut and allergy safe.

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