Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

Spring Tea
It was great to see so many students from our class at the Spring Tea. Thank you for sending in items for the bake sale as well. It was an enjoyable day for everyone!
Grade 1 – We are currently working on 3D and 2D shapes. Students should be familiar with the following vocabulary. You may want to look for opportunities at home to use these words: cone, cylinder, sphere, cube, rectangular prism, points, edges, faces, curved, flat, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, side, and line.
Grade 2 – We are beginning an addition/subtraction unit for numbers 1-100. Students have already learnt a variety of mental math strategies to add and subtract. Now we will really focus on working with double digit numbers.
Please be sure to study spelling words every day. The challenge words are getting harder and many students need to practice them regularly. The list of words can be found in the homework folder each week.
Important Dates
Lunch Lady Order Due May 2
Taco Order Due May 6
Taco Lunch Day May 11
Lunch Lady Day May 16
No School May 20
No School May 23
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me!

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