Monday, April 15, 2013

What's it like to play in a slurpee?

Thank you for sending extra clothing and appropriate outdoor clothing during this slushy weather.  The students are having so much fun outside, and it makes life easier when they have dry clothing to change into afterwards.

This past week the grade 1s have been working hard to count objects in groupings of 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Grade 2s are adding double digits and regrouping.  This is a great concept to spend extra time practicing at home.  If you'd like printable materials to help with this please let me know.

Our current Social Studies unit is a comparison study of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia and Winnipeg.  We have already learned so many new things about this interesting town.

You may notice some new reading books coming home with your child (photocopied versions of leveled readers).   These are books that we have already read in class and they are sent home as extra practice.  Please return them to school each day.  Students are still expected to choose a book from the bins in the classroom for daily reading homework.

This week there is a book order due on Friday, late orders will not be accepted.

Have a great week!

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