Monday, April 29, 2013


You've probably already heard about the Mi'kmaq projects that we are working hard on.  Students are building models to show a Mi'kmaq home, an animal of the region and the vegetation of the area.  We will put together all of their models to create a community, much like the paper bag community we made earlier this year.

Every fun project involves a little bit of clean up too!

The grade 5/6 class is wrapping up their CLWR project for the year.  They have been collecting school supplies all year to create School Kits for students who require them in other parts of the world.  This month they're asking for crayons and money for shipping costs.  There is a bin located outside their classroom for dropping off items.

There is a cookie sale at school on Wednesday.  Cookies are 25 cents each.  Please send money safely packed in a baggie or envelope.  Thank you!

Have a great week!

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