Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Students made thankful turkeys last week, as well as a Thanksgiving book.  I hope they had a chance to share their book with you during the weekend.

Although it is a four day week routines are as usual.  Students should be practicing their spelling sort, and reading, each day.  Guided Reading Groups have officially begun.  Watch for extra reading materials (and possibly homework) coming home this week.

In Social Studies we are beginning a unit about our Local Community.  We are learning about our place in the world right now.  On Tuesday, November 4th we will go on a field trip to the Aviation Museum to learn more about our Canadian Community.  This workshop will also teach us about Remembrance Day.  Watch for the permission form this week.

Grade 2 Math - students are working hard on using number lines and 100 charts to show counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, starting on any number. 

Grade 3 Math - students are just beginning a new unit on Numbers to 1000. 

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